Welcome to Rosebank School


Welcome to Rosebank School. Our vision is Dream. Believe. Succeed – Kia wawata. Kia whakapono. Kia tutuki. We are a contributing (Years 1 to 6), multicultural school of just under 500 children from over 30 different nationalities. We give them opportunities to achieve in the classroom, on the sports field, in cultural activities and as good citizens.

Success comes from a strong link between home and school and we work hard to maintain our strong community partnerships to make our vision a reality. Special features of our school include high quality mainstream classes school wide, Maori and Samoan bilingual classes, talented and passionate teachers and meaningful and engaging contexts for our students so each develops a love for learning.

I trust that this website will provide you with some valuable information about our school. If you would like to know more, you are most welcome to pop into school and have a look around or contact me directly – paul@rosebank.school.nz for further information.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, staff and students, welcome to Rosebank School!

Paul Pirihi | Principal

MEd(Hons), PGDipEd, BEd(Tchg), DipTchg


Ko Ōwairaka te maunga

Ko Whau te awa

Ko Whau te rohe

Ko Motu Manawa te motu

Ko Whau te pā tawhito

Ko Te Kawerau ā Maki te iwi

Ko Te Au o te Whenua te tangata

Ko Patiki tuatahi te kura



Wednesday, October 16


Lockdown Exercise

Rosebank School is conducting a lockdown exercise.  This is how you will be notified, should a lockdown occur at the school.  Please refrain from contacting

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ERO's (Education Review Office) most recent comments on our school in February 2019

“Trustees have a strong educational vision and values. This, together with the board’s strategic goals and high expectations for every student, provides a sound platform for enhancing equity and excellence.”
“The principal has worked proactively with the leadership team, teachers and staff. Together they have enhanced the school environment, and built partnerships and relationships with whānau, family and the school community.”
“Leaders are explicitly focused on maintaining a respectful school culture, high expectations of teaching practice, and improving outcomes for learners.”
“Leaders have established a settled and inclusive school tone. Respectful relationships between staff and students underpin the culture of the school, and promote purposeful expectations for learning.”
“Students experience environments that support their learning participation and engagement. Their cultures and languages are valued, and they have opportunities to make connections to authentic and real world contexts.”
“Achievement information shows the majority of students achieve at or above expected levels in reading, writing and mathematics.”
“There are positive signs that the school’s long standing disparity in achievement for boys and Māori students in literacy is reducing”
“Students with additional learning needs are identified and carefully monitored through individual learning plans and learning support network meetings.”

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