E faafeiloa ma ofo alofa atu le Tupulaga mo a Taeao. O matou o le Unite faa-Samoa faapitoa. O le faataimuaga ma le faamoemoe o lenei Unite, ia mautinoa le manuia o aoaoga a fanau, ia taulai aoaoga i le taiala o aoaoga i Niu Sila nei. Matou te faatauaina le olaga aoaoina atoa o le tamaititi. Ia malamalama i le faatinoga o le aganuu, ia fesootai le aganuu faa-Samoa i iloiloga ma suesuega i mataupu o lo’o aoaoina. O le avanoa foi lea e fa’atauaina ai le Gagana Samoa. E tolu vasega o lo’o iai nei, vasega laiti (tausaga 1 ma le 2), vasega feololo (tausaga 2-4), vasega matutua (tausaga 4-6). O le lagolago a le pitonuu ma matua, o le tasi lea faigapa’aga lauiloa i totonu o le Unite, aemaise le aoga atoa. Mo nisi faamatalaga, e vala’au ma le fa’aaloalo atu, susu mai, afifio mai e maimoa ma silasila i le fa’aluga o lenei Unite.
Soifua ma ia manuia.
Talofa lava and welcome from Tupulaga mo a Taeao (Future Generations). We are a Samoan Bilingual Unit with a difference. Our priority and overarching goal is to ensure that our Samoan students are successful in all areas of the NZ curriculum. We believe in a holistic approach. Having a practical understanding of our cultural heritage, a strong integration of the Samoan cultural perspective during our inquiry learning and the opportunity to maintain or improve the Samoan language. We have 3 classes junior Y1-2, middle Y2-4 and senior Y4-6. Our community support is strong and the partnership between home and school is something that we really treasure. Why not come along and check what we’re about!